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Leadercast 2020

Disturbance. Disorder. Disarrangement. Many people think these are negatives in the workplace, Leadercast will show why disruption is the best way to make positive, lasting changes in your leadership, organization and beyond.
Leadercast is the largest one-day leadership training event in the world. This fall the Van Wert Area Chamber of Commerce is bringing Leadercast to Van Wert through a series of virtual events.

Leadercast is a tremendous leadership training opportunity for yourself, your employees or your clients. The theme for Leadercast 2020 is Positive Disruption and given the current climate, there is no better time than now to start being a positive disruptor.

Meet Our Speakers

The speakers at Leadercast 2020 - Positive Disruption will unveil to you how you can upset the status quo to incite positive change that will echo throughout your organization.

How it works:


Thanks to our sponsors!

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